Free Beatmaker
Together with Novation, we have prepared a special gift. Members of the Sound Collective have the chance to get Beatmaker EDEN for free (regular price $49) from 6th of June until 1st of August.
JUNE 18TH, 2019
On top of that, we offer Novation users an exclusive 30% discount on our Hiphop Bundle, which comes with Beatmaker DOPE and Beatmaker HUSTLE.
If you are a customer that has a registered Novation product, you are part of the Sound Collective and automatically entitled to this great deal! Simply head over to the Novation website, log in with your credentials and go to the "My Software" section to claim your license code.
All-in-One Sketchpad for Ideas
Sound Collective Product Manager Jonathan Campbell about EDEN: “I really like the concept behind Eden, an all in one sketchpad for ideas that you can quickly export as audio within the DAW environment. For some, this tool is powerful enough to write a full track with. For others, it will be a source of inspiration. I really liked getting the individual sounds out and manipulating them further as audio files. The drums layout means that it also works great with Launchpads, as you can trigger individual sounds with each pad.”
To get you started, check out this walkthrough of Beatmaker EDEN with Daniel Ruczko. He teaches you all about Beatmaker EDENs interface and controls. Get ready to build stomping and driving beats for your next summer anthem!
About Daniel Ruczko
Daniel Ruczko is an award-winning director, composer and writer – and a sounddesigner for UJAM.
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We develop software solutions that enable people to create, consume and interact with music.